I Am


A nerd that enjoys designing and developing websites and apps. It goes without saying (i hope) that i focus on user experience.

I created HelloTree out of a need to create things that help, challenge, and inspire.

I want HelloTree to be a home for my team creations (a library of sorts), and a place where like-minded people can join.

I build products with three things in mind:

  1. I create things to help people.
  2. I try new things to satisfy my curiosity and teach myself something in the process.
  3. I make it human. The best experiences are honest ones, and i don’t shy away from that.

I want to explore. To try new things, set my own limits, and see how far i can go. I want to have honest conversations and active imaginations. I want to create things that matter.

Give a fuck.
Work with me.